Fembio-Specials Famous Women Poets
Other specials
- Famous Women Mathematicians
- Black History
- FemBiographies by Brigitte Warkus (1944-2005)
- Famous Lesbians
- Women resistance fighters
- Famous Women from Hanover, Germany
- Famous Women from Heidelberg
- Women Artists - an Exhibition by Almut Nitzsche and FemBio e.V
on this day ...
- 125. birthday: Meridel Le Sueur
- 125. birthday: Yvonne Mewes
- 260. birthday: Sophie Dorothea Liebeskind
- 220. birthday: Sarah Flower Adams
- 170. birthday: Draga Ljo?i?
- 90. day of death: Hedwig von Redern
- 80. day of death: Sarah Josephine Baker
- 40. day of death: Emilie Kiep- Altenloh
- 20. day of death: Simone Simon