Fembio Specials Famous Lesbians Mathilde Franziska Anneke
Fembio Special: Famous Lesbians
Mathilde Franziska Anneke

(geb. Giesler, gesch. von Tabouillot)
born 3 April 1817 in Gut Ober-Leveringhausen (or Lerchenhausen), county of Hasslinghausen (today Sprockhövel), Westphalia
died 25 November 1884 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
German-US-American freedom fighter, women's rights activist, journalist, author, and educator
200th birthday 3 April 2017
Below, find an in-depth article on Anneke's female friendships by Joey Horsley. (Unfortunately, the web program did not allow for footnotes to appear, and the list of works cited is incomplete.)
A regular “fembiography” will be added shortly.
Author: Joey Horsley
A German-American Feminist and her Female Marriages: Mathilde Franziska Anneke (1817-1884)
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